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Client Story

Gippsland Water, VIC, Australia

Gippsland Water delivers reliable, high-quality water, wastewater and waste recovery services to ensure social, environmental and economic benefits to domestic and commercial clients across Central Gippsland. With a population of approximately 140,000 people over 5,029 square kilometers, Gippsland Water provides water services to nearly 65,000 properties and wastewater services to around 58,000 properties including the dairy, energy, and pulp and paper industries. 

Gippsland Water, VIC, Australia

"Updating our voice radio network to the Tait Tier 3 digital trunking radios with the Logic Wireless Crosswire software application has delivered added safety functionality, will assist in emergency response, and complements our customer service delivery systems.  "

Peter SkeelsGeneral Manager Operations, Gippsland Water


Gippsland Water's sites are spread in remote locations across a large area in Victoria. The geographic region stretches over 5,029 square kilometers from Drouin in the west to Stratford in the East, and from Mirboo North in the south to Rawson and Briagolong in the north.

The existing Tait communications equipment in use at Gippsland Water was over 15 years old, presenting the need to move to new equipment and the opportunity to take advantage of the benefits that the latest technology could provide. Improved safety and communications flexibility were at the top of the list for Gippsland Water as their operators had to go to remote locations and wanted to know if they were in trouble.


Commsite presented the Tait DMR Tier 3 trunking system as a solution to Gippsland Water. The Tait DMR Tier 3 trunking system provides flexibility to make individual or group calls and have multiple users speaking at the same time. Also, in the event of an emergency call the built-in GPS tracking system would send the location of the mobile or handheld radio making the emergency call, thus improving safety to operators in remote locations.

The Crosswire software application from Logic Wireless is a vital part of the solution, providing voice dispatch, call logging, text messaging, location services, voice recording and cross patching.

Gippsland Water was happy to reinvest in Tait quality and upgrade their existing Tait system. CommSite delivered and installed Tait digital radio system to three Gippsland Water sites and upgraded the fleet of vehicles from analog radios to Tier 3 Trunking digital mobile radios.

Peter Skeels, General Manager Operations says, 'Updating our voice radio network to the Tait Tier 3 digital trunking radios with the Logic Wireless Crosswire software application has delivered added safety functionality, will assist in emergency response, and complements our customer service delivery systems'.

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