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August 26, 2013< 1 min read

Electrical Utility Reliability Trends [Infographic]


Electric utility reliability performance has hit the news recently due to weather and other natural disaster events. We thought it useful to compare the performance of different regions around the world, although we note these graphs exclude outages caused by major events. Europe has consistently improved across most nations, and Australia has had very variable performance. The USA has not seen much change over the 10-year period to 2010.

Average outage minutes per customer, measured by SAIDI—System Average Interruption Duration Index

For more detail on the sources for this data, and discussion of the differences, please see the Electrical Utility Reliability Trends report.

Tait Connection MagazineThis article is taken from Connection Magazine, Edition 3. Connection is a collection of educational and thought-leading articles focusing on critical communications, wireless and radio technology.

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