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August 31, 20141 min read

The AIIMS-4 Aides-Mémoire Incident Management Mobile App

The Aides-memoire iPad-iPhone App

Convenient, Intuitive and Invaluable – Download the AIIMS-4 Aides-Mémoire Incident Management Mobile App.

If you’re involved in managing incidents and emergencies, you’ll know all too well the plethora of things you have to remember to do every time, at every event.

To assist you in managing these incidents, the Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council (AFAC), in association with Tait, has developed a valuable support app that covers all Australasian Inter-service Incident Management System (AIIMS-4) roles and their functions, and delivers a corresponding checklist to your mobile device to prompt thinking and help remember all aspects when you’re under pressure at an incident.

AIIMS-4 is the latest version of the Incident Management System to be implemented in Australasia, and the Aides-Mémoire is a support tool for those using AIIMS-4 during an incident. AIIMS is primarily used by fire, land management and SES agencies, and also has applicability to Ambulance Services and Police.

Key features of Aides-Mémoire:

  • Simple installation: No third-party installation is required – users need only add the app to their home screen.
  • Ease of navigation: The app’s design facilitates ease of navigation, so that users can drill down through to their desired destination quickly.
  • Responsive text: Text is responsive, intuitive and easy to use.
  • Responsive diagrams: ‘Tappable’ headings and expanding index menus provide users easy access to relevant content
  • Requires no active internet connection: Once downloaded, the app will no longer require an active internet connection for the full content to be accessed – essential for those working in isolated areas without mobile network reception.

AFAC is committed to supporting the effective implementation of AIIMS-4 and recognizes that support tools, such as the AIIMS-4 AIDES-MÉMOIRE, can assist operational personnel in time-critical and dynamic situations.

Tait has been an AFAC Corporate Supporter for a number of years, sponsoring various activities, and we are delighted to support this new initiative.

Follow the links below to check out and download this great resource and see for yourself how it can assist you and your team. The AIIMS-4 Aides-Mémoire app is available to purchase for Apple (iPhone and iPad) and Android devices from AFAC Ltd.

For more information please visit the Australasian Fire and Emergency Services Authorities Council Website:



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