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November 12, 20142 min read

LTE Design and Deployment: Lessons Learned in Real Life


On-Demand Webinar: Presented live on 2nd October 2014 at Comms Connect, Melbourne, Australia. In this webinar, John Graham provides insight to the range of lessons learned during the design and deployment of the first 800MHz private LTE network for a utility in the Southern hemisphere.

Tait is working with New Zealand electricity distribution company, EA Networks, on a pilot project that has deployed a private LTE network that integrates with their existing fixed mobile broadband network and extends their intranet to workers in the field.

The goal of the pilot is to improve restoration times and power quality by providing remote monitoring and real-time access to information thereby enabling planned rather than reactive operations.

This webinar shares three important considerations for designing and deploying a private LTE network.

  1. Coverage vs capacity
    Part of designing a private LTE network is predicting what the coverage/bandwidth is going to look like for both the uplink (sending data to the field) and downlink (sending data from the field). A key element is balancing the dynamic data rate and number of users across the coverage area to determine what activities and applications can be run over the private LTE network.
  2. User-scenarios for your private LTE network
    Closely linked to coverage vs capacity is the user-scenarios for the private LTE network. A question that needs to be asked is how many users will need access to high bandwidth activities such as video as opposed to medium/ low bandwidth activities of workforce management and location reports? It needs to be understood that LTE data intensive activity will compromise other activities that can take place on the network.
  3. LTE can be optimized and complemented by LMR
    In a unified critical communications approach your LMR network can complement your private LTE network. In the case of EA Networks, we have designed their communications solution to use the LMR network for wide-area M2M (Machine to Machine) and AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) data requirements and to use the private LTE network for access to their intranet when they are out of public cellular coverage. Integrating multiple communications bearers to create a single communications network easily links field-officers to the back office.

Watch the webinar to see further detail on how these considerations were applied to the private LTE rollout at EA Networks.

If you have any questions about the on-demand webinar or have any questions for John, please leave them in the comments section below.


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