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August 29, 20171 min read

Continuing to Deliver: Tait Network Stands Strong


At Tait, we strive to design our products and solutions to endure, to continue providing our customers with the benefits and improvements they sought when choosing us in the first place. So when we hear customers are equally as happy with their Tait system years after installation as they were to start, we know we’ve succeeded. Years after their transition to a new Tait P25 system, one particular public safety agency in Washington state continues to have total confidence in their network.

In 2013, MACC 911 in Grant County, WA chose Tait to upgrade their aging VHF system to a Tait P25 trunked simulcast network. We worked closely with them on a complex and innovative network design to address several unique hurdles. You can read our original case study here.

Since the new system was installed, MACC 911 has improved their overall operations, responding to incidents more quickly and efficiently. Their officers have experienced increased safety, and all users on the network are able to communicate when it matters most.

MACC 911 Technical Services Manager, Dean Hane, agrees that the increase in productivity, coverage, and worker safety is a direct result of the Tait solution, and allows them to better protect the property and assets in their community.

Hane says that compared to their previous solution, the Tait network performance and reliability is excellent, and users have absolute confidence in the products and solutions.

Tait is proud to assist the officers of Grant County in serving their community.

Read the full update here, or visit our client stories page to hear from more of our customers.


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