The P25 CAP (Compliance Assessment Program) allows P25 vendors to confirm their products meet the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) standard for interoperability. Tait is a major supporter of open standards, and with the addition of our latest products now has the most extensive listing on the DHS website.
P25 Compliance Assessment Program
The United States CAP standard for P25 interoperability is important not just in North America – where agencies using federal grant money must buy P25 CAP compliant equipment – but also in other parts of the world where CAP compliance is increasingly popular in P25 networks.
Tait Test Laboratory Manager David Jackson says it is a major accomplishment to have completed compliance updates for all current Tait 9000 series P25 products. “We now have more than 30 pieces of P25 equipment qualified and listed on the grant-eligible equipment page.”
This makes Tait the largest lister of P25 CAP equipment on the DHS Grants Eligible page.
Interoperability for Emergency Response
In the United States, this means first-responder agencies using federal grants to help purchase P25 radio equipment now have access to the full suite of Tait 9000 series P25 network equipment, mobile and portable radios.
Tait P25 products support multiple operating modes: analog conventional, P25 conventional, Phase 1 trunking, Phase 2 trunking and simulcast, offering customers the versatility to match the equipment to their individual needs.
The Department of Homeland security aims to promote critical communications interoperability – so different emergency response organisations can connect to each other’s networks when required. The P25 CAP is a key component to achieving interoperability between different suppliers’ products.
Tait has supported the P25 CAP since it’s inception to give customers certainty and confidence in their ability to choose the products that best meet their needs and are proven to be interoperable with other compliant products. Tait maintains the only P25 CAP accredited test laboratory outside of North America.
Tait support for open standards goes well beyond the CAP testing and includes integration with a range of like-minded technology partners. Tait also provides a range of free educational resources about the P25 standards, such as the Tait Radio Academy, and P25 Best Practice whitepapers.
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