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September 28, 20204 min read

Tait Staff Spotlight: Domingo “DJ” Castro


At Tait, we take great pride in serving the organizations that are so integral to our way of life: they keep communities safe, our lights on, transport flowing, and provide the raw materials for modern life. To provide them with the great support Tait is renowned for, we have a dedicated team of individuals all over the world that work hard to deliver results. In this blog we hear from Domingo Castro, Systems Engineer at Tait.

Domingo “DJ” Castro works for Tait as a Systems Engineer based in Corpus Christi, Texas. DJ rejoined Tait after working for Motorola Solutions for the past 8 years – we’re very excited to have him back on our North American team!

Want to get to know our team?  You can find other Tait Staff Spotlight posts here.

Meet DJ Castro, Systems Engineer at Tait Americas

DJ CastroDJ started off at Tait in 2010 as a Solutions Sales Engineer with a primary focus on Pre-Sale design for utility customers. Prior to returning to Tait, DJ worked at Motorola Solutions designing for petro-chemical environments across North America. He began with Pre-Sale and transitioned to Post-Sale implementation the past 5 years for various Fortune 500 companies.

DJ has also worked as an R&D Electronics Engineer for the Aids to Navigation Industry and supported efforts of the R&D department by designing and testing new products.

“Every customer is different, has different requirements, and has different design specifications. I enjoy that aspect because it requires constant learning of new technologies, learning the way different industries operate, and having to think outside the box for different solutions.”

DJ Castro runningOutside of work, DJ loves spending time with his two kids, hanging out at parks, the beach, or playing video games – anything outdoors. When he has time to himself, his go-to activities are running, video editing or practising his newest hobby, music mixing.

To dig a little bit deeper into what makes DJ tick, we decided to ask him a few questions:

What is the best part of your job?

The best part of my job is that no two projects are the same. Every customer is different, has different requirements, and has different design specifications. I enjoy that aspect because it requires constant learning of new technologies, learning the way different industries operate, and having to think outside the box for different solutions.

What is the best thing about living on the Gulf Coast in Corpus Christi?

The best thing about living in Corpus Christi is the quick and easy access to the beaches and fishing. I lived in Houston for about 6 years after college, and I never realized how much I would miss just going to the beach on a Tuesday evening after work. Now, I can pretty much hit the water within 10 minutes. Corpus is a small city that we tried to keep a secret for a while, but its popularity has certainly increased lately and I am all for the growth.

There aren’t any professional sports teams in Corpus Christi, where do you fall on the Houston Texans/Dallas Cowboys divide?

Definitely a Houston Texan. It’s been tough to be a fan lately because of the struggles, but I wouldn’t trade the struggles for a seat on the Cowboy bandwagon.

What would the title of your autobiography be?

DJ2: My Mixtape

You have worked behind the scenes, with sales and onsite, how has that connection with customers impacted your work?

I think once you work onsite with customers, you start to realize the importance of what you are providing. In the case of first responders, it’s obvious – the equipment we provide is their lifeline and keeps them and the public safe in the challenging situations they face every day. However, every industry uses our solutions for different reasons, and once you get onsite and visit with the end-users, you realize it is more than just a radio you are providing.

Whether it is their lifeline or a way to increase efficiency at petro-chemical environments, you are the one that is responsible for ensuring they are comfortable with your design. That level of responsibility has taught me to be more careful and thorough in what I design for our customers.

What was something you missed about Tait during your hiatus?

Definitely missed the small environment and the culture Tait provides for its employees. Tait does a great job of ensuring everyone is part of one team driven to the same goal in order to be successful.

With extensive experience in radio system engineering from design to implementation, we are glad to have DJ back on board! DJ reports to Daniel Steinmetz, Engineering Manager.

Tait Head OfficeGet in Touch with Tait

If there’s anything DJ or the team at any of our regional offices can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


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