Modulation is the process of encoding a message into a radio signal to be transported to various devices and systems, it is a fundamental building block of radio communication. You can find out more about the properties of Modulation and its uses in our Basic Radio Communications course.
The ‘How does Modulation Work?’ Lesson is a free resource provided by Tait Communications as part of our Basic Radio Awareness course. Tait Radio Academy serves as an informative point of reference for accurate information served by industry professionals in critical communications. Our lesson on Modulation instructed by Dr. Jan Noordhof covers the basic properties of a wave and combining it with an input signal to encode speech and data.
Frequency of an RF channel is best explained as the frequency of a carrier wave. A carrier wave is a wave of constant frequency, similar to a sine wave. By itself it does not carry much information that we can relate to such as speech and data.
To include speech or data information another wave needs to be imposed, this is called an input signal, it is placed on top of a carrier wave. This process of attaching an input signal to a carrier wave is called Modulation.
Explore the basic properties of waves and Amplitude Modulation (AM) and Frequency Modulation (FM) further into the ‘What is Modulation?’ lesson on Tait Radio Academy:
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