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September 5, 20223 min read

Vehicle Based Automation for Heavy Duty Industries


Workflow automation can remove human error from critical tasks, and it’s a core component of TAIT AXIOM Mobile. These functions can help ensure the safety and connectivity of your work personnel, so they can focus on the task at hand.

TAIT AXIOM Mobile allows freedom to roam for mobile fleets, creating a unified vehicle area network of radio and broadband connectivity, coupled with a customizable on-board edge computing and application platform. Custom automated workflows can be configured to the needs of your working teams, and building them is easy with drag and drop widgets ranging from form fields and QR code scans, to input-driven decision trees. Take human error out of day to day tasks with workflow automation.

Browser-Based Flow Editing

Inner city mobile teams gain a huge advantage from LTE or cellular connectivity for their comms systems, with rural teams relying on LMR outside of cellular coverage. TAIT AXIOM Mobile has a solution to automate bridging this divide.


Keeping EA Networks Connected

EA Networks is an electricity sub-transmission and distribution network in New Zealand’s South Island. They deliver power to more than 20,000 customers via 1,990 miles (3,200 kilometers) of distribution lines. TAIT AXIOM Mobile and Workflow Automation are helping EA Networks’ line workers stay connected.

EA Networks is responsible for the smooth operation of its electricity and fiber-optic networks. They respond to power outages, downed lines and other service interruptions. As not all staff live or work within EA Networks’ LMR coverage area, a solution was needed to make sure workers stay safe and connected when on the job, no matter where they are. EA Networks utilizes automatic bearer switching in TAIT AXIOM Mobiles for continuous communications through familiar talk groups and channels; ensuring that EA’s personnel are connected during inner-city and rural calls.


Automated Alert Tone Warns Boddington Miners

Before workflow automation, authorized personnel at Boddington mine notified workers about scheduled blasts by broadcasting alert tones played by a centrally located device over the radio network. This method resulted in some workers not clearly hearing the alerts due to digital background noise filters, network congestion, or being in a location outside network coverage. These issues were resolved by storing alert tones on individual radios and installing a TAIT AXIOM fixed device equipped with on-board edge computing, application processing and workflow automation capabilities.

Now, authorized personnel can remotely access the device and execute an automated workflow that sends instructions to radios to play the appropriate, locally stored alert tone. The workflow is set to repeat the transmission at multiple time intervals to ensure any radios in conversation or out of coverage during the alert will receive another one.


Lone Workers Checks In Beyond Radio Coverage

A law enforcement agency automated their communications bearer selection to ensure lone workers could communicate with dispatchers in areas outside radio or cellular network coverage.

Before automation, lone workers outside of radio and cellular coverage didn’t have means to ‘check in’ with dispatcher or raise an alarm from their portable radio in the event of an emergency. This was resolved by installing TAIT AXIOM Mobile devices equipped with on-board edge computing and workflow automation capabilities. Now, when out of radio or cellular network coverage, officer’s portable radios connect directly to the TAIT AXIOM mobile which automatically switches voice and data communications to a satellite network, transmitting via the vehicle’s antenna. Lone Workers can now be confident that routine check-ins and events requiring distress signals will be received by dispatch.

What common procedures could be made safer through automation? Get in touch with a Tait representative in your area to discuss your unique challenges.

TAIT AXIOM Broadband SolutionsLearn more about TAIT AXIOM and Workflow Automation.

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