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March 5, 20243 min read

Tait Staff Spotlight – Erika Marchioni


At Tait, we take great pride in serving the organizations that keep communities safe, our lights on, and the modern world flowing. To provide them with the great support Tait is renowned for, we have a dedicated team of individuals worldwide who work hard to deliver results. In this blog, we meet Erika Marchioni, Global Channel Marketing Administrator for Tait Americas.

Meet Erika Marchioni, Global Channel Marketing Administrator at Tait Americas

Erika is based in Houston, Texas and has been a part of the Tait team since August 2012. Erika works as the Global Channel Marketing Administrator and assists all the global regions with the One Tait Dealer Program. Alongside her team, Erika facilitates the appearance of Tait Communications at Trade Shows across the US, namely IWCE, and Tait’s own One Tait Dealer Summit. Currently, Erika is the key facilitator of the One Tait Dealer Program and the One Tait Dealer Portal, a platform that provides Tait dealers with sales tools, branding, and technical resources as well as the Learn at Tait online training course program.

Today, we got the opportunity to ask Erika a few questions so you can get to know her as well as we do!

Q1: What were the steps, both accidental and deliberate, that lead you to where you are in your career?

Well, I joined Tait Communications back in  August 2012.  I was hired for the Service Desk Administrator when TAM used to have the SMC team for local support. Then, due to some internal changes back in the day, I ended up as an Office Manager for TAM. Then, one day Marketing requested my assistance at IWCE, one thing led to another. My marketing journey began last year when I officially and happily joined the Global Marketing team! Now, I have been working on the One Tait Dealer Program and Portal that I am so passionate about.

Q2: Biggest lesson you learned from your youth, biggest lesson you learned as an adult?

Always be and think positive! Hurdles come and go, but your attitude decides if you will allow them to affect you or not.

Q3: What is your favorite hobby to do outside of work? What hobby/interest would you also like to pursue but haven’t had the opportunity to yet?

I love to cook/bake! And eat, of course! I’m a big time chocoholic! I love puzzles, playing games, but recently, I’ve been interested in painting by numbers!

Q4: What’s a subject you could give a 30 minute presentation on with no prior preparation?

One Tait Dealer Portal and One Tait Dealer Program!  I am very proud of the program and the portal.  The program empowers dealers to increase their sales and enable us to create a wonderful gate of communication between us.  The highlight of this program and portal has been meeting dealers and educating them with our powerful tools.  However, I could not have done it without the assistance from a great marketing team.  They are wonderful co-workers that I got to know better and developed a work relationship where teamwork is truly valued.  And of course, working with Michael Hann (our developer) and Wendy Lim have been a delight!  Michael has been a great co-worker and partner on the development of the One Tait Dealer Portal.  He’s amazing!

Q5: If you can have a face-to-face conversation with anyone in the world – past or present, who would that be?

There are so many to pick from.  So I will approach this differently.  No one famous, but utterly important in my life and that would be my dad.  He’s no longer with us, but I would definitely love to have a conversation with him again if given another opportunity. 

Q6: What gets you out of bed in the morning?

My pups!  Every morning I get a nice good morning lick on the face!

The pups in question; Erika’s (very spoiled, so I’m told) Chihuahuas, 10 year old Phoebe (pictured left) and 7 year old Maya, aka ‘Cow Dog’ (pictured right).

Some of the Tait Americas marketing team, from left to right: Sandra Wendelken, Market Insights Manager, Maria Rowe, Chief Marketing Officer, Erika Marchioni, Global Channel Marketing Administrator, David Caston, Marketing Manager.


Erika showing off her baking prowess.

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If there’s anything Erika or the teams at our regional offices can do to assist you, please don’t hesitate to contact our team!


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