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December 10, 20192 min read

The Most Flexible Base Stations on the Market

Multi-mode base stations provide a flexible platform for communications in DMR, P25, MPT, ...
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October 1, 20198 min read

Tait P25: Instant, Reliable Communications is just the Beginning

Tait P25 provides instant and reliable communications that are trusted and used around ...
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August 20, 20197 min read

The Efficiency and Expertise behind Tait Managed Services

As the sophistication of communications systems grows, supporting this complex ...
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May 2, 20161 min read

Radio Frequency Performance Parameters – Conducted Emissions

The Conducted Emissions performance of a transmitter is basically the ratio in dB of how ...
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April 14, 2016< 1 min read

Radio Frequency Performance Parameters – Transmitter Noise

As discussed in our previous blog post, the Transient Adjacent Channel Power (TACP) is ...
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March 23, 20161 min read

Radio Frequency Performance Parameters – Transient Adjacent Channel Power (TACP)

Adjacent Channel Power (ACP) is basically the ratio of the energy produced in the wanted ...
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March 16, 20161 min read

Radio Frequency Performance Parameters – Adjacent Channel Power (ACP)

Before explaining Adjacent channel power, it is necessary to make mention of Electrical ...
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March 9, 20161 min read

Radio Frequency Performance Parameters – Frequency Stability

The Frequency Stability of a Transmitter is a measure of how close the actual frequency ...
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February 15, 20164 min read

RF Performance Advantage with Tait – Part 3

We’re at the end of a 3 part series on RF Performance with Ian Graham, Principal Engineer ...
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