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Client Story

Quitman Fire District, LA, USA

Quitman Fire District are the local fire department for Quitman, a small village located in the northwest corner of Jackson Parish, in the state of Louisiana, USA. The department consists of the chief and 30 volunteers who are responsible for the village's firefighting, EMS, rescue calls, and fire prevention education.

"We haven't lost any of the radios. They've been abused, none of them have quit, I'd recommend them to anybody. "

Philip BrownFire Chief, Quitman Fire District


The fire district had been operating on an old short range radio network, but found this to be unreliable. Their old radios were experiencing interference from other organizations' calls, resulting in interruption to emergency communications with dispatch - a potentially very dangerous situation.


Charlie Edwards of the Charlie Edwards LLC company, a two-way LMR specialist from Ruston, Louisiana provided a solution using Tait powered mobile and portable radios (Available exclusively from Harris Corp in North America). Charlie takes pride in how reliable Tait portable radios are, and physically demonstrated this to the fire district by throwing his own radio across the parking lot, then submerging it in a sink filled with water. Philip Brown, the Fire Chief, was impressed, opting to equip his whole team with TP9400 and TM9400 portable and mobile radios running on the statewide LWIN (Louisiana Wireless Information Network) 700MHz system.


Quitman Fire District were amazed at the build quality and transmission clarity of their new TP9400 and TM9400 radios. Not only is the new system Tait Tough, but the crew now have clear coverage with no static across their territory; often in areas without cellphone coverage. As Philip Brown, Fire Chief, explained, the biggest plus for them has been the ability to talk without having to worry about hitting a repeater.

In addition to this, gone are the days when the fire district's radio system would experience unwanted interference with other organizations' radios. The new Tait solution is secure, but gives Quitman Fire District interoperability options with neighboring departments and agencies, when an event requires cooperation.

Firefighters have also been enjoying the range of high visibility color options on the TP9400 portable, making them easy to find if dropped - while black can blend in on many surfaces, high visibility colors such as green or yellow are easy to spot.

Quitman Fire District now have peace of mind that their new radio system will not let them down at a critical moment.

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