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January 28, 20192 min read

Tait Hosts DMR Interoperability Testing


Tait DMR solutions are compatible with products from vendors that adhere to the popular DMR standard. Tait Communications recently hosted a number of DMR manufacturers and suppliers at the Tait Christchurch campus.  The purpose of the visit was to conduct interoperability (IOP) testing with Tait Tier 3 network infrastructure to the latest standard.  Senior technical representatives from Simoco, Kirisun, Excera, and Motorola carried out the tests and all found that their technology was compatible with the Tait DMR T3 network.

Tait was the first to bring DMR T3 to the market so it was important not only to update our interoperability to the latest standard, but also provide the IOP opportunity for manufacturers whom are newer to the market with DMR T3.

Recently, Tait received official interoperability (IOP) confirmation through the DMR Association.

Interoperability is important because it allows a broader choice of equipment for customers, and keeps prices down.  Across a communications network, the various technologies and devices can only talk to each other by using similar protocols and standard interfaces which have been defined and understood, implemented and tested by all parties.  In the past, closed protocols meant that equipment manufacturers would work with only one or two other vendors.  Open protocols give customers flexibility and avoids vendor lock-in.  So while some manufacturers still promote closed protocols – and it may seem less expensive initially – it is rarely in the customer’s long-term best interests.

The official certifications for Simoco, Kirisun, Excera, and Motorola terminals on Tait DMR T3 infrastructure are available on the DMRA website.

Tait is committed to interoperable, open-standards-based solutions and we have been a certified open standards provider since 2012.  Our DMR networks are built with open-standards to not only provide network interoperability with other agencies, but also to provide smooth migrations.  For most organizations, any disruption to communications can be very costly and dangerous.  That’s why our networks come with installation support and services so that migrations are seamless.

A Tait DMR network is an ideal investment because it is designed to evolve and grow with your organization.  You can choose from a wide range of options to meet your requirements today, and easily add other features as your needs change in the future.  The Tait DMR platform gives organizations both small and large, more flexibility, control, and freedom of choice for their critical communications solutions.  This blog explores the benefits of a Tait DMR and explains the many easy evolution paths.

Tait DMR solutions work great in networks that incorporate hardware from other vendors that support the DMR standard. Why choose Tait DMR?  So you can achieve more with your radio network.


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