What opportunities will 5G bring? How far away are Smart Cities? What role does LMR play in the future? What about convergence? With so many new technology standards emerging at a rapid pace, it can be hard for organizations to keep up with the latest and greatest. So what does the future hold for critical comms, what trends are emerging, and what do you need to know to be prepared?
Change is the only constant
The current explosion of emerging digital technologies is changing our lives every day, giving us easier access to more and more information than we’ve ever had. This brings with it heightened expectations for improved customer experience, reduced costs and radically different value propositions.
This trend is forcing industries the world over to rethink the basic infrastructures they rely on, and those that remain stagnant run the risk of being left behind.
Technology is becoming central to business strategy, defining what’s even possible.
“Once a new technology rolls over you, if you’re not part of the steamroller, you’re part of the road.”
– Stewart Brand, Writer, Entrepreneur
Opportunities and risks
This provides enormous opportunities to organizations to open up new markets, deliver new products and radically improve their services.
Converging diverse technologies like LMR, LTE, Satellite, and WiFi, and introducing IoT and edge computing devices to automate previously manual processes can provide significant gains in productivity, predictability and worker safety. For example, bringing together the data from these multiple sources allows organizations to do things such as end to-end workflow optimization, predictive maintenance and trend analysis.
However, these great opportunities do come at a cost: significant threats to the security and reliability of communications systems. A wide variety of edge computing and IoT devices in the field opens the door to risk of cyber attacks and privacy breaches.
So how can you ensure you make the most from all the exciting new opportunities emerging technologies offer, whilst keeping your networks and systems stay safe?
Your guide to communications technology trends
If this is a question you ask yourself, you’ve come to the right place. We have put together a guide that explores the technology innovations that are likely to change the way you do business in the future. Read some examples of what world leading organizations are doing to embrace the future.
Discussed in this guide:
- Five Predictions for Disruption
- The Cost of Stagnation
- Cyber Security
- Outgrowing Network Capacity
- Convergence
Read examples from industry leaders in:
- Ambulance
- Public Transport
- Mining
- Utilities
- Application Integrators
Free White Paper: Beyond Comms
Want to know what the emerging technology trends for critical comms are, and how you can prepare for them? Download our free white paper Beyond Comms: Technology Trends.