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December 14, 20206 min read

2020: A Remarkable Year in Review


2020 has been a year like no other. It will go down in history as the year of a global pandemic, with all the disruption that has brought with it. How did these challenges impact us, how did we adapt, and what does it mean for the future of critical communications? What did we achieve despite the circumstances? Today we reflect on some of the most memorable moments for Tait in 2020.

To say this year has been challenging would be an understatement. In addition to the human cost, the COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally disrupted the way we work, transforming the ways we interact and connect with each other. It has seen the otherwise obscure Zoom video conferencing software becomes a household name, and has made remote working commonplace for many industries. In some cases we’re seeing lasting change, as organizations find new efficiencies in remote working, while others will swiftly return to the status quo as risk allows.

Amongst all the disruption, Tait continued to deliver critical communications solutions around the globe, determined to support the organizations that power and protect our communities, no matter what.

In the article we take a look at the dominant themes for Tait this year:

COVID-19 Business Continuity Measures

At Tait, we also had to adapt to the challenges the pandemic threw at us; when there is no such thing as business as usual, we need to rethink the ways in which we manage our operations.

To support the critical industries that keep our communities safe, connected and productive, our global team continued to be available for any assistance, and as our Tait Staff Spotlights show, often working remotely themselves.

So how did organizations adapt to COVID-19 challenges? Utility Company Rappahannock Electric Cooperative shared how they quickly transitioned to a remote workforce during the pandemic.

The flexibility of Tait solutions enabled staff to safely work from home or out in the field, staying connected on a range of devices. Transport for London (TfL) integrated Tait TeamPTT with their Tait DMR network, allowing TfL staff to talk to their over 9,000 drivers directly using their smartphones, removing the need to carry a separate radio.

And lastly, one of the most vital measures was also one of the simplest: good hygiene practices, and not just personal hygiene – device hygiene became just as important.

Broadband & Convergence

Although we might be looking back in this article, Tait has spent much of 2020 looking forward. We hosted a free public webinar on ‘The Future of Critical Communications’, focusing on voice and data convergence, and discussed how integrating multiple networks, devices and applications can dramatically increase efficiency and worker safety in your organization.

We also had a look at how Private LTE networks can revolutionize communications systems for organizations, especially now that the availability of CBRS spectrum has removed some of the barriers of implementing them.

Cloud computing, with its scalable, virtually unlimited resources is also part of that revolution, as it can store and process the vast amounts of data that broadband applications use and produce. We drew attention to innovative cloud technology for Public Safety with these iCERT white papers.

Tait offers converged solutions that allow organizations to bridge the gap between radio and broadband networks, taking advantage of the best of both worlds. TAIT AXIOM Mobiles is a multi-bearer communications hub that gives users access to LMR, cellular and WiFi networks. In addition to this, it also houses a powerful industrial-grade processor and Application Builder.

Paving the way to the future is our new converged voice solution PTToX. PTToX gives TAIT AXIOM Mobilese the ability to extend LMR functionality to cellular networks, and can automatically detect the status of the bearer it’s operating on to decide whether to change to either LMR or cellular, or back again.

Tait Services

Because off-the-shelf communications solutions don’t always meet the challenges critical industries face, we also took a closer look at the custom solutions Tait can offer. Whether it’s custom hardware, software, or integrations with third party equipment, our Client-Specific Development Service can help you create a solution that’s the right fit for your organization.

Tait Solutions

ConnectivityTait has more than 50 years of experience in designing, manufacturing, and delivering critical communications to the public safety, transport, utilities, mining, oil & gas, and security sectors.

In 2020, we added even more innovative solutions to our portfolio, such as our Private LTE offering; check out how it can revolutionize your organization’s communications in this blog, and in this other blog Sohan Domingo, Lead Solutions Strategist at Tait, offers his view on what Private LTE can do for the mining industry.

We also keep working with our technology partners to continuously improve our products, services and equipment. Together, we strive to produce the best solution for each organization we serve. A perfect example of this is our collaboration with Zetron on a mobile dispatch solution; check out how TAIT AXIOM Mobiles and Zetron ACOM allow you to take a dispatch console with you wherever you go here.

New Tait Tough Portable Radios

Why User Experience Matters in a Portable RadioTait Tough portable radios have represented an exceptional standard of rugged communications hardware for years, and late last year, we were proud to introduce the TP9500 and TP9600 portables to you. Read what went into making these radios in record-time in this blog.

One of the stand-out features of these new portable radios was their Active Noise Cancellation (ANC), and to put this to the test in true Tait fashion, we asked our staff to come up with creative ways to showcase the performance of the TP9500 and TP9600 in high-noise environments – watch the result in this video.

Features such as ANC are fantastic when you work in noisy environments, but not necessarily vital in an office environment. So what features should you look for in a portable radio? We published this guide to help you choose the radio that’s right for your work environment.

Client Stories

St John Emergency

Organizations all over the world rely on Tait for expert communications solutions and services, and this year we had the pleasure of sharing some great client stories with you.

Over the last two decades, Tait has worked with Transport for London to develop innovative, flexible and cost-effective communications solutions. This year, we completed the PTToC integration with their DMR Tier 3 network, which was instrumental in getting more school buses on the road during the COVID pandemic. Check out this timeline for an overview of our enduring partnership with TfL.

We have also been active in South America, migrating Ecuador’s national oil company’s analog communications system to a DMR Tier 2 network in the middle of the jungle. Read this extended article to learn about the innovative solutions we came up with to overcome the challenging terrain and provide Petroecuador with reliable communications along their pipelines.

No matter what 2021 brings, Tait will continue to support the critical industries that enable our way of life. Get in touch to see what we can do for you.


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