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January 20, 20163 min read

Technology Partners and Customer Success: Omnitronics


Our technology partners add important value to Tait solutions, and we have a formal program to join and integrate with Tait solutions. You can learn more about our technology partner programIn this blog series, we focus on some of our key technology partners and take a look and how these solutions come to life and deliver value for our shared clients.

Omnitronics in the Partner Spotlight

The partnership between Tait and Omnitronics is an excellent example of Australian and New Zealand technology innovation impacting the world. Problem solving and support are key traits of Australians and New Zealanders alike, evident in the customer success stories that we share.

Like Tait, Omnitronics have invested in supporting a number of open standards digital platforms and interfaces including the DMR AIS and P25 DFSI, and have pioneered radio-over-IP solutions. Omnitronics have expanded their console applications to include the valuable GPS data made available by the Tait equipment, and integrates with Advanced Location Services solutions.

Several clients in Hortolandia, Brazil are using the GPS functionality and powerful display filter of the Omnitronics RediTALK console to manage shared access to the same DMR network. By leveraging a shared network service, customers such as Hortolandia Electricity receive much more value for money, with all the benefits of a full featured sophisticated DMR Tier 3 network.

Customers in Perth, Australia also benefit from shared DMR network services provided by Tait Solution Partner Direct Communications. Their customers use GPS data from the Tait DMR equipment, fully integrated into the RediTALK software, to show real time tracking and status of the vehicles. The software can also be used for long term storage of historical data.

Matt McDonough of Direct Communications says, “Omnitronics were fantastic during the integration stage. At short notice they were able to provide the extra effort and engineering assistance to fulfil the customer’s requirements”.Customer-focused customization is a defining characteristic of Omnitronics solutions, helping customers get more value out of their communications systems. The Country Fire Service (CFS) of South Australia were recently provided with a tablet based strike team leader application for use with their Tait P25 equipment. It uses a topographic mapping interface to track and show vehicle location, the fire front, and wind direction.

The customized RediTALK Air application also shows status information such as emergency alerts from radio operators, low water alerts from tankers, records radio voice traffic, and can send text messages to the radios. Omnitronics has worked closely with Tait Solution Partner Tetracom to develop and test this solution with the CFS.

Tait and Omnitronics equipment is found in a variety of industries and applications around the world. The DX-Altus has been deployed successfully with P25 systems in the mining industry with Tait Solution Partner MST/Nixon at BMA Blackwater mine, providing customizable blast and emergency tones through the digital radio systems.REDITALK Angle ScreenAnother Tait Solution Partner, Vertel, has specialized in Local Government solutions, deploying Tait P25 and Omnitronics equipment for customers such as Coffs Harbour City Council and Armidale Dumaresq Council.

One government customer in Florida, USA relies on their communications for safety and has used the Tait P25 and Omnitronics RediTALK capability to identify and remove users that are inappropriately consuming network resources to ensure communications are open for vital safety calls.

In addition to these successful projects in the American and Oceania regions, Omnitronics have collaborated with Tait on a number of other projects across the globe including Africa, Asia and Europe. “The growing popularity of DMR is accompanied by customers who want to make the best use of the new technology. Omnitronics continue to partner with Tait to deliver full featured dispatch solutions that leverage the full power and capability of digital radio,” said John Florenca, CEO of Omnitronics.

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