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Client Story

EA Networks - Network Monitoring

EA Networks is a locally owned co-operative network company based in the Mid Canterbury region of New Zealand’s South Island. EA Networks owns and operates the area's electricity sub-transmission and distribution network, delivering power to 20,000 customers via 3,200 kilometers (1,990 miles) of distribution lines.

The company also owns an advanced fiber optic communications network, which offers broadband internet services. In addition, EA Networks operates a successful contracting business that supports their electricity and fiber networks and provides services to residents and businesses.

EA Networks - Network Monitoring

"The network monitoring service is really important to us because real-time communication is essential to our business. EA Networks does not have radio techs on staff, we choose to have the experts look after it."

Myles ConnewOperations Manager, EA Networks


EA Networks focuses on delivering safe and reliable electricity and fiber network infrastructures that support their community and the local economy. They employ a large field services workforce with 80 staff.

Worker safety is crucial at EA Networks. Electricity linesmen must be able to communicate with each other when restoring service after a storm, making routine repairs, or deploying new services.

The ability to respond quickly to incidents is very important to EA Networks, because when there's an electricity or communications outage, customers expect a speedy resolution.


To ensure smooth operations and enhance worker safety, EA Networks operates a six-site DMR Tier 3 trunked network, using Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) services to boost visibility of their mobile workforce. This is integrated via SIP with a Xwire dispatch application featuring a conventional line output to a voice recorder.

The DMR network supports a fleet of approximately 80 vehicles with TM9355 mobile radios, plus 30 TP9360 portable radios. The field services team makes use of group calls, individual calls, and status messaging during day-to-day operations.

EA Networks’ DMR infrastructure is monitored 24/7 by the Tait Service Management Center (SMC), using industry-standard automated monitoring systems. Equipment alarms are assessed using remote diagnostics. If there is a major alarm on the node or base stations that requires action, the Tait SMC contacts EA Networks’ service desk. If a site visit is required for service restoration, EA Networks' service desk coordinates with a local Tait dealer for L1 field support.

Tait also provides monthly reports on the Service Level Agreement (SLA) performance of EA Networks’ radio infrastructure. Network performance, operational issues, and opportunities for continual improvement are discussed with EA Networks at regular review meetings.

In addition to network monitoring and reporting, a Tait Client Support Engineer is available to provide technical consultancy services to EA Networks.


Radio infrastructure monitoring by the Tait SMC enables EA Networks to respond proactively to minimize any interruptions to system availability.

This ensures the mobile workforce can operate safely in the field, communicate effectively with each other and be easily located via AVL should an incident occur. The EA Networks field services team can undertake maintenance work and respond to outages, keeping the lights on for their customers.

Tait also provides monthly performance analysis and recommendations to improve EA Networks’ system operation, and a Tait Client Support Engineer assists EA Networks with equipment programming set-up, advice on future product developments and network expansion options.

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EA Networks, New Zealand
EA Networks, New Zealand
EA Networks is a locally owned co-operative network company based in the Mid Canterbury region of New Zealand’s South Island. EA Networks owns and operates the area's electricity sub-transmission and distribution network, delivering power to 20,000 customers via 3,200 kilometers (1,990 miles) of distribution lines.
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